Brand Your Business
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Welcome to Brand Your Business, a mini-course from Teacher Entrepreneur School!
This mini-course is just a teeny, tiny section of our Teacher Entrepreneur School course, but one that holds A TON of value for teacher entrepreneurs like yourself!
So, what's included and how does this work?
Well, we've included an overview of why branding matters, what good branding looks like, and given you some excellent tools and tricks to help you as you get ready to brand or even rebrand your business.
This mini-course is structured into four different parts.
First, we've included awesome background information / an introduction section to really help you understand why good branding matters and how to do it yourself. As an added benefit to you, both of us have included our own experiences with branding our businesses - insight that may really help you as you hunker down to start working on your own. Finally, there's a Take Action! section that gives you actionable steps to take NOW to move your branding in the right direction.
To make life easier on you, we've included the content for you in two different formats - written transcripts as well as audio (who knows, you may be listening to this mini-course in the car or while on your afternoon walk!).
We're excited you're here and can't wait to get started helping you Brand Your Business!
Your Instructor

Hey, Teacher Friends! We're Caitlin and Sheila, co-founders of Teacher Entrepreneur School. Trust us; we know how intense starting a business can be. We started our businesses while teaching full time. There was no teacher-turned-entrepreneur blueprint to follow. Business courses are not geared specifically for teachers. Through trial and error, we successfully launched and now profitably maintain our businesses. Our businesses didn't become successful by chance, but instead through dedication and perseverance. If we can be teachers turned entrepreneurs, so can you!
Frequently Asked Questions
*The fine print. Please note, this course is for personal use by as a single user only. If you would like to share this course with others, they must purchase the course separately. Teacher Entrepreneur School cannot be held liable or responsible for any damages or losses.